Our Story

NARR’s membership is recruited and populated with organizations committed to improving the nation’s ability to prepare, respond, and recover from radiological emergencies at the local, state, and national levels.

Organization & Governance

The first few years of the project were devoted to organizing the NARR by developing operational and programmatic protocols under which the NARR would function.

The founding NARR Steering Committee was comprised of ASTHO, APHL, CRCPD, CSTE, NACCHO, AMA, and NEMA. This group provided quasi-governance over the NARR and conducted activities that further radiological preparedness among their memberships and across public health and the healthcare sector in accordance with the terms, conditions, scope of work, and budget contained in the sub-award grants. The NARR Steering Committee was dissolved once an appropriate governance structure was determined. Currently the NARR is governed by the Executive Committee which consists of:

  1. Tri-Chair representing CRCPD
  2. Tri-Chair representing ASTHO
  3. Tri-Chair representing a member at large from one of the other NARR associations 
  4. Public Health Organization Representative (APHA, ASPH, CSTE, NACCHO, and NPHIC)
  5. Emergency Management Representative (IAEM, NASEMSO, and NEMA)
  6. Healthcare Organization Representative (AAPCC, AHA, NDSLF, HPS, and RITN)

In order to assure consistent governance of the NARR, bylaws were written and unanimously accepted by the NARR in 2012 and are updated annually as appropriate. The NARR Executive Committee formalized the governance structure of NARR and has actively recruited additional organizations and federal partners whose missions support the mission of the NARR. The NARR consists of 18 member organizations and 9 federal partner agencies.

The NARR routinely convenes webinars open to all interested parties, and business calls of the full NARR membership along with monthly conference calls with the NARR Executive Committee. Webinars are developed around hot topics or new resources for radiation preparedness with subject matter experts presenting. Business and executive committee calls serve to provide project updates to the NARR membership and elicit guidance on the future direction of the NARR and associated projects. In addition to the conference calls, The NARR plans and convenes an annual meeting of the NARR membership to elect new NARR officers and representatives, set the direction for the NARR for the next year, and discuss emerging radiological preparedness issues.